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About Dr Storm

Founder and director of U-Turn Health®

Author of the book:

Diseases Have Causes: One Doctor's Journey
with an Apple and a Pen

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My name is Ellen Storm and I am a practicing paediatrician (children's doctor) working across North Wales and the North-West of England. I have been 'vegetarian' (occasional fish) since the age of eight, vegan for 14 years and increasingly high raw for 11 years. I have a bachelor of science degree in biomedical sciences and a primary medical qualification from St George’s Hospital Medical School (SGHMS) in London, membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH), a master’s degree in public health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and a masters degree in creative writing from Lancaster University. I am certified in plant-based nutrition from eCornell University, 2023 was my 5th year attending the UK FruitFest organised by Ronnie Smith and supported by Doug (author of The 80/10/10 Diet) and Rosalind Graham, and 2024 was my first year attending the Woodstock Fruit Festival in Florida. I am the author of the forthcoming book Diseases Have Causes: One Doctor’s Journey with an Apple and a Pen. In relation to diet and nutrition I have personal special interests in women’s and children’s health and in food addiction, attachment and trauma. I am the mother of twin girls and the primary carer for Peanut Butter, Daniel and Marzipan (the guinea pigs!) and Autumn and Banana (the fish!).



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©2023 by U-Turn Health, 54 St James St, Liverpool, L1 0AB

Registered in England and Wales. Company number 14656216 

Photographs by Niland Photography. Powered and secured by Wix

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